
Festival Open-Air on July 27 & August 2!

Under the title “Faith, Love, Hope”, music by Richard Wagner and composers from all over the world will make the Festival Park resound in a summer picnic atmosphere on two evenings. The 2-hour concert program will juxtapose Wagner’s arrangement of the themes of “Faith, Love, Hope” with arrangements by composers from the United States, Russia and Europe. “Faith, Love, Hope” occupied Bernstein, Verdi, Bruckner and Tchaikovsky alike!

Experience the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra under Oksana Lyniv (July 27.) and Constantin Trinks (August 2.) with top soloists: Kristiane Kaiser, Okka von der Damerau, Stephen Gould and Jens-Erik Aasbø, moderated by Axel Brüggemann. The covered concert stage is located “uphill “on the left side of the park. Since this is an unseated open-air concert, the view and acoustics will vary depending on the seat you choose. Food and beverages are provided with several beverage carts and the “Walk of Fame” across from the Festspielhaus. You are welcome to bring your own picnic blankets and folding chairs; fixed seating is not provided. We recommend arriving early, preferably by public transportation, as parking is limited.

We warmly welcome you!